Buildings within the scope of the WHG (Water Resources Act)
For components or buildings that fall within the scope of the Wasserhaushaltsgesetz (WHG - Water Resources Act), the materials and the construction of the sealing surfaces must meet specific requirements, in case of leakage for example. Our experience and range of services extend to the following fields:
- The formation of visible tank base aprons with prefabricated, highly elastic and highly resistant sealing membranes without business interruption
- Elastic sealing of complex sealing surfaces and pipe penetrations with axial and vertical movement absorption
- Joint sealing with prefabricated joint tape or elastic sealants including special solutions for accessible and traversable areas
- Sealing of catchment areas (including tight spaces, pipe trenches, manhole sumps and impermeable WHG areas)
- Complete solutions for sealing LAU plants (worksystems for storing, filling and handling) and HBV plants (worksystems for production, treatment and processing)
- Coating in accordance with the WHG
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We also handle DIBT approved sealing systems with additional fire protection
Our company is monitored by the TÜV and our personnel are SCC*-certified.