Reinforcement of supporting structures
The reinforcement of supporting structures is necessary if components (ceilings, girders, supports, walls, etc.) have to offset a net load increase as a result of conversion or damage. The following systems can be used depending on the strengthening situation (application):
- CFRP strips loosely adhered, applied into slits or prestressed (Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastic, tested systems)
- Bonding of C sheets (carbon fibre sheets) for the external reinforcement of concrete components, as strapping for pressure-bearing components or for the improved ductility of structural elements
- Adhered steel plates with end anchorage in the pressure zone (tested system)
- Subsequent reinforcement installation with concrete addition
- Cross-section enlargements (e.g. with shotcrete)
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The work is performed by our qualified specialists (SIVV certificate, pressurised equipment operating licence, etc.). The tested systems are monitored internally on site. Our company is monitored by external bodies and is a member of the Bundesgütegemeinschaft Instandsetzung von Betonbauwerken e.V. (Federal quality association for the repair of concrete structures).